April 4, 2015

In The Spirit of Lesbianism

Bob Larson is a fairly popular television evangelist who claims to have exorcised more than 15,000 demons, many of them live on his TV show. In 2006, he performed what might have been his most controversial exorcism to date—he drove the “homosexual demon” out of a gay man. He later also bound and cast out the lesbian spirit from a church member in Ohio USA. There are reports of Larson shouting at a “self-proclaimed homosexual,” and evicting the demon that brought about the “curse of homosexuality.”

 Unfortunately, the idea of a “gay exorcism” isn’t confined to one church. A similar story took place in Connecticut in 2009, in which a 16-year-old boy was filmed thrashing about on the floor while members of the church congregation shouted commands to “rip it from his throat” and other members held him to the ground. Larson himself has performed multiple gay exorcisms in addition to the one stated above, as well as exorcisms for “bastard demons” in women who have illegitimate children. On top of exorcisms, Bob Larson is also the author of several books on the influence of Satan in modern rock music.

 Another television evangelist in Nigeria named Prophet T. B Joshua has also been know to conduct exorcism in which he banished the spirits responsible for making one Gay. The man of God in a more controversial incident claims to bind and cast the spirits of tattoo from people who have tattoos. Children who stole have the evil spirit of stealing. Husbands who cheat also have cheating spirit.. The most bizarre happened on May 17, 2014 when a couple who has a child who fails mathematics was told that the 11yr old boy has spirit of maths failure and must be delivered. Unfortunately, I couldn't verify if the boy fared better in maths after the exorcism of the evil spirit that specializes on maths failure only.

 Science has proven that 84% of gay persons with lesbian or homosexual tendencies were born that way. Science has verified that the trait is often in born and a naturally occurring trait in most cases, while environmental factors and societal influence contribute about 15%.

 Now the question is

  1. Does it mean that these gay people were possessed from conception?
  2. Is religious tendencies and claims to homosexuality being an evil spirit driven trait a case of religious fraudulence or a fact?
  3. Is there any scientific link between spiritualism and biological hormonal imbalance?
  4. Why is there a spiritual connotation to almost all and indeed every human action including womanizing, smoking, being gay, having tattoos, laziness etc in underdeveloped economies

 Please share your thoughts

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